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[Arirang TV] [NEWS IN-DEPTH] 5G, AI, Blockchain technologies showcased at 2022 World IT Show


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[NEWS IN-DEPTH] 5G, AI, Blockchain technologies showcased at 2022 World IT Show

Updated: 2022-04-21 17:23:34 KST



Like we've heard from our previous report, South Korea celebrates its 55th Science Day today, a day designated to promote the importance of science and technology in society.

In light of the occasion, the nation's biggest IT exhibition, the 2022 World IT show also kicked off just yesterday.

South Korea's technologic developments have been widely acknowledged the world over, ranging from smartphones, automobiles, displays and even semiconductors.


For our News In-depth tonight, we will delve into the latest technologies Korean companies are showcasing and what we have to look forward to in the future.

For this, we are joined via Zoom/Skype by Shim Hyun-chul, Professor and Director at Kaist Future Mobility Research Institute.


Good evening, Professor Shim.

1. More than 350 companies from 7 countries participated in this year's World IT show.

There were numerous displays of various areas of IT, ranging from Augmented Intelligence to Virtual Reality.

But one thing that caught the eye was Kia Motors showcasing its latest Niro EV electric car model. In your opinion, how far has South Korea's electric car technology evolved?

What kind of technologies have been added?


2. Kia's parent company, Hyundai Motor, has the Ioniq 5 which has been named 2022 World Car of the Year.

By this, can we say that the industry trend among automobile companies is headed towards the development of electric cars? Are world carmakers largely focusing on eco-friendly, electric vehicles now?


3. What's noteworthy is that amid the ongoing pandemic, KT showcased AI robots capable of moving around freely, purifying air quality and cleaning the floor. They also displayed a special assistant robot that can answer phone calls and provide necessary information or even make or cancel reservations.

Professor, the development of these AI robots is accelerating rapidly, and this could pave the way for more developments in unmanned systems. How do you rate the latest developments? How much more do you think they can do?


4. With the advancement of electric car technology, the South Korean government vowed to inject 1.6 billion U.S. dollars in commercializing the world's first ever completely autonomous car.

As an expert in the area, how feasible is this, and what do you think is at the core of AI technology?


5. Looking at this year's IT show, we can see a lot of robot technologies that can replace tasks people would normally do, or even do them more effectively.

Professor, since you've been researching and studying technologies on unmanned drones and autonomous cars, why do you think these technologies are necessary? And what are your thoughts that these developments could be a threat to people's jobs?


6. extra) Seeing the accomplishments of Korean companies at the exhibition, in which areas do you think South Korea is taking a leap forward and which areas do you feel that more could be done?


Alright, Professor Shim, thank you for making time for us, we appreciate you joining us.

Reporter :​​​


News Link : [NEWS IN-DEPTH] 5G, AI, Blockchain technologies showcased at 2022 World IT ShowNews | arirang TV